Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Hi again,

2nd post for last week...

I did a workshop on podcasting so this was actually my 2nd experience going through the process, but virtually this time.

The workshop was fun and I enjoyed myself and got to leave with a finished product.

I definitely see uses for this technology in the classroom and I think students would be really excited to engage themselves in this process of creation.

What I really want to know, is if it is possible to create videos and then post them online for download as you would a podcast. Does that exist? A videocast? Are these then available to put onto your own iPod? Anyone know?


BeaL said...

Sorry I can't answer any of your questions, Thea, as this technology is all new to me! However, I do believe that students of all ages would be interested in podcasting because it is so interactive. Children who are more creative or electronic and less academic may find school more stimulating if we can appeal to their interests. That's what's so great about being in the Library Media Center-there seems to be "something" for everyone!!


thealouise said...

Definitely. I think I was one of those children by the way. ;)

Kate said...

Hi Thea-

I'm not sure if I fully understand your questions. Podcasts are files that are either audio or then couldn't you create a video podcast? Then others would be able to download it. As for whether or not you can put those on an iPod, that I'm not sure. I don't own an iPod yet - mainly because I haven't been motivated enough to get one. However, I completely see the benefits of having one (especially to take to the gym!). So one of these days I'll get around to it!


thealouise said...

Actually a podcast is audio only almost exclusively in the form of MP3. Videos would be another file format. I know that iPods play commerical videos, but I guess what I'm wondering is if they have the capability of playing home-made videos as well. And I would also like to know if a video can be hosted somwhere? I imagine it can, since they do on uTube, but where?? Finally, is there an equivilant to the RSS feed for audio but for video?