Wednesday, July 11, 2007

It is so nice to see that there are good people like this in the world that genuinely want to help people and not just make a buck. Really, truly, refreshing!

I think it is so important that all information consumers feel empowered and experience independence in their personal information inquires despite their limitations. This organization has taken huge steps towards making this goal a reality for a large segment of the population.

Several questions came to my mind after perusing the website and watching the interview with the founder.

How do the blind view/experience content on the Internet normally? I think they have special software that reads the information on a website to them, but would this be very time consuming? Do you know of any other ways?

How do they know when a certain bit of text is a link so that they can click on it to access that particular web site?

I am still unsure of how the digital Braille (BRF) works? I checked out the FAQ's and the demo page and several others pages on the web site, but could not find a detailed explanation or example? Can anyone explain further how exactly this works?

Looking forward to your thoughts and insights.

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