Thursday, July 26, 2007

Online Resources for Educators

Hi Everyone,

Looking over the myriad of resources posted in this week's learning module. I must admit that I was utterly and totally overwhelmed. There were just so many. So this really got me thinking about how people in general are handling the flux of digital resources available on the Internet these days. I, personally, as an adult and an information specialist feel that there are so many possiblities. It so hard to tell what is the best, the most informative, the most appropriate for my purpose. I think it's so great that there is so much information at our finger tips, but at some point...does the abundance become crippling? I'm one of those people who wants to try everything and experience everything. If I go to a really good restaurant and there are many amazing things on the menu to choose from I become paralyzed. I don't want to miss out. My strategy at that point becomes trying to negotiate with the other people at the table to get them to order something I'm not so that I can taste every delicious dish. Do you have any suggestions as to how to handle and really make efficient, effective and productive use of all the available resources for educators?


BeaL said...

Hi Thea-
I think that in the beginning it's just a matter of trial and error. Acquainting yourself with what's out there, then thinking about which will serve your purpose better. I'm not worried about missing out on anything-I have more options than I need right now in the technology field-so I will just continue to use what seems to work with the kids and what I'm most comfortable with.


Kate said...

Hi Thea-

I would agree. After reading the online lecture this past week I too felt overwhelmed and inundated with all of the information (websites, etc.). It's also getting to the point where I'm loosing the battle of organizing my information. Since we were given so many website suggetions this semester, I created a page (literally just done in word) and I created an organized list of resources - done by topic. I can't bookmark anymore because everything seems to get lost. So I created a resource file that, when I have the time and I'm thinking perhaps this time next year, I'll be able to refer back to when I need the information.

So yes, there can be a moment when too much information isn't a good thing!


thealouise said...

Hi Kate,

If you want to access this list online, you might try creating a portaportal. This site will allow you to bookmark by category, but its accessible online. This might be a more organized alternative to