Friday, July 13, 2007

EDUCAUSE article on Accessible Technology

This article on making technology accessible and universally compatible really got me thinking about factors that need to be taken into consideration when attempting to ensure that technology is availalble and used by all members of a school community. This issue is of particular importance to me because I work in a special education school. Not only do we have many students with learning disabilities as all schools do, but we are "barrier free" which means that the physical building is accessible to students and parents with physical disabilities. The article recounts several universities' accomplishments in making technology accessible to their student body. I believe that my school has many of the requirements listed as necessary for the success of this integration such as collaborative committees and polices and plans for implementation. We do not however, have a person in charge of technology. So even though, we may be meeting students' needs in other ways, technologically speaking we are lagging. I made attempts at helping out in this area, by using grant money 2 years ago to purchase some assistive technology such as track balls, special screens, adaptive keyboard, and one-click mouse ( I forget the official name for this), but I don't think anyone knows they exist. In addition, I also purchased software such as Boardmaker (picture symbols). In an attempt to share this information with people, I invited the physical therapists and occupational therapists to meet with me to show them what I had and discuss with them how we might use the technology, whether it meets their needs and what other equipment or software they may need to meet other needs. This was definitely a step in the right direction, but was alone, however, without the help or support of a committee. In addition, I am not the technology person, I have a full-time job and find it very difficult to meet all the needs I am trying to tackle. I am curious as to what suggestions you might all have with regards to this situation? I would also like to know if any of you have dealt with or encountered a similar situation in your schools and how you are dealing with it? Thanks in advance!! :)

1 comment:

BeaL said...

Your school situation seems very different from mine, Thea. We do not have any of the technologies which you've mentioned nor is there a need for them at this time. However, I can understand how and why you want to do as much as you can for your school population and just can't seem to find the time or the assistance. Sooo...just keep doing what you're doing-the students in your school are lucky to have you!!!
