Monday, July 23, 2007

CISSL and Guided Inquiry

This web site provides a lot of information on guided inquiry and is very thorough. I like that it focuses on a constructivist learning approach which ties in with what we learned in Ruth Small's class and also with Barbara Stripling's research model. On the page that describes the foundation of guided inquiry, a visual model/diagram is provided that shows how the librarian and library program fits into the educational setting and the guided inquiry process. I found this diagram useful in terms of breaking down the main points. The most helpful and informative page on the site for me were the descriptions provided of the 6 characteristics of guided inquiry. These really justify why we should teach using this method and arms me with fodder for convincing my principal of its merits. Additionally, the site provides a case study. I would like to see more of these since theory is fine, but it is really informative to see these theories in practice. It would have been nice if a case study on the elementary level and middle school level were also provided in addition to the one involving the 9th grade. I found the site to be a little too text heavy for me. Bigger, more spaced out font and maybe some video clips would have helped my digest all the information. Its always nice to see or hear testimonials from students, teachers and librarians about their inquiry experiences. These really help one reflect, evaluate and revise the process and strategies used.

What did you all think of this site? Any thoughts or opinions?


BeaL said...

Hi Thea-
Do you have the URL for the site so I can take a look at it? Thanks!


Kate said...

Yes, I'll ditto Beatrice's comment.

Sounds informative and I'd like to check it out as well.


thealouise said...

It was in the learning module for last week.

BeaL said...

I agree with you, Thea, that seeing short video clips of students or teachers would help to paint a better picture in my mind and really get a sense of what works and what doesn't. As my library expands technologically, I hope to use this guided inquiry model more and more!
