Saturday, June 30, 2007

Social Networking

I have been trying to set my myspace account all day, but have been experiencing technical difficulty. When I have finished it, I will share the URL. I have been resisting creating one because I feel like I feel like I just don't have the time with everything else going on in my life to keep up with that too. I have cracked though and I'm going to make one. I am a singer/musician and every time I go out and network in person with people. I tell them that I am a singer, give them my card and explain that I would be happy to e-mail them some mp3's. They always ask for my myspace address, though. I created an account a couple of months ago, but haven't had time to do anything to it. I added a few friends, but realized that what I really wanted to do was create an artist page. I am finding out that every one I know has a myspace page...friends, family members, even my two nephews! So, I'm going to get with it and make one...I'm actually a little excited about it. I do have a Bebo page and have had one for quite some time. It is private, because I didn't want to be bothered/harrassed by people I didn't know. I have to admit, however, that I never go on and post anything. There's just no time. I prefer to connect with people in person. Any of you ladies belong to a social networking site that you'd like to share?

It is so easy to get sucked in. I've spent the past couple of days since we've finished work on myspace and utube. There are some great independent musicians on there. Check out Akil Dasan...he's amazing!


BeaL said...

Hi Thea,

Can you tell me what a Bebo page is? I've never heard of it. Also-when you meet potential employers or clients or people who share your same interest in music, what would they see when they visit your myspace page? Would it be more personal items or would you keep it on a professional level because of the group of people that might be reading it? (If that is too personal a question-just tell me to MYOB)! I'm just trying to get a handle on how/why this social networking has become so popular. Thanks.


thealouise said...

Here's my page...check it out:

I will put some personal information because as an artist you are not only selling the art but the person as well. People want to know who you are and what you stand for.

Bebo is another social networking site. Check that out to:

My account on this page is private and for friends only.

Kate said...


If it's not an infringement on your privacy, you should give us your MySpace site info so we (in your blogging community) can check it out! I was thinking about starting one, but then didn't really see a focus for mine.


Kate said...

Oops...I jumped right into my comment before reading the ones that preceeded it! My mistake~

I'll check out your MySpace page...thanks!
