Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Intro to vlogging

Hi Everyone,

So, my understanding is that we're going to be using this blog to post links to electronic resources and a brief summary of our 2 assigned information technologies for the semester. Mine are vlogging and utube. In addition, we can post our thoughts and commentary on the readings, assignments and activities from class and/or other content we find relevant to the course and its learning objectives. I love technology and all the wonderful opportunities it affords. I am so excited about the content of this class and so looking forward to learning about all of these new information technologies!

The first information technology I've been assigned to this semester is vlogging or vodcasting. I am really glad that I've been assigned this particular information technology because I am already familiar with it. A good friend of mine vlogs and was actually interviewed about this very topic. We met at an internship we both did at the Cannes Film Festival. She was doing this years ago before I'm sure it was even really that popular. She lives in D.C. and she came to New York for a vlogging conference being held at someone's house. I went with her and had such a great time and met great people. They had live streaming and videoconferencing going on at this party, it was really cool. To my knowledge, vlogging is like blogging in that it is a record of daily occurences or life but in video format. It is actually much like making documentaries only your video clips don't have to all be on a certain theme or topic. You can record whatever you like. Anyway, enough of me talking about it...check out her site:


She also has her own business designing web sites, here's that info:

Here's the direct link to the interview she did:

Here's the site for the conference:

Leslye rocks! Awesome friend!


BeaL said...

Hi Thea-

It sounds like you have a really great opportunity to make a positive impact as the librarian in your school I often think that if I were in the library for a greater amount of time I would have already made so many more changes. But...one step at a time... Vlogging sounds like almost making a home movie or your own documentary. I'm looking forward to learning more about this topic.


Kate said...

Hey Thea-

You did stumble upon an interesting topic to explore. I'm curious to learn more about it as the weeks go on.

I'm assuming that vlogging is less common than blogging as the user would need access to more technology. Is that the case? I like the idea that there seems to be more freedom associated with vlogging as you mentioned that it can really be about anything.

Keep us posted!


Julie Marie said...

Hello Thea!

Your blog is so technologically sheik! Did I spell that right? Vlogging is definitly going to catch on, especially with cell phones having the capacity to record short film clips. What amazes me is that we now live in a digital medium du jour -- just pick the one that fits your purpose. NO more square pegs in round holes. Can't wait to hear more.

peace, Julie

thealouise said...

Hi Kate,

I think you bring up a good point about vlogging being less common. You're probably right, but there still seems to be many people doing it. I would also think in addition to having the technology that you should also have some knowledge of filmmaking and editing. Then again, when I worked in the film business there were tons of people who had never studied film or knew anything about it that were making movies or being a director. I think people just gravitate to these creative mediums.

Kate said...

Hey Thea-

Considering your history in the film industry...does vlogging strike a particular chord for you? I guess I'm wondering if you had/have any interest in exploring this medium any further?


thealouise said...

I do actually! Very perceptive of you. Even though I left the film industry for specific reasons, I still very much enjoy and am interested in the medium. (I actually may work on a set again this summer!) I obviously have no time to do this now in my life or much else as we all know, aside from school work, but I would like to explore this in the future. My concern would be with people's rights I guess, though. Would you have to get everyone on camera to sign a release form? This could get tedious!

Katie said...

Great introduction to vlogging, Thea!


Julie Marie said...


So, would it be possible for us to video a particular part of a lesson and post it on a vlogging site so that our students and their parents could see it? In the neverending quest to get parents involoved, is vlogging an answer? Can we vlog PTA meetings? Would anyone watch? I'm reaching here, but for a reason. If a picture is worth 1,000 words, than imagine the value of a moving picture . . .