Saturday, June 30, 2007

Social Networking

I have been trying to set my myspace account all day, but have been experiencing technical difficulty. When I have finished it, I will share the URL. I have been resisting creating one because I feel like I feel like I just don't have the time with everything else going on in my life to keep up with that too. I have cracked though and I'm going to make one. I am a singer/musician and every time I go out and network in person with people. I tell them that I am a singer, give them my card and explain that I would be happy to e-mail them some mp3's. They always ask for my myspace address, though. I created an account a couple of months ago, but haven't had time to do anything to it. I added a few friends, but realized that what I really wanted to do was create an artist page. I am finding out that every one I know has a myspace page...friends, family members, even my two nephews! So, I'm going to get with it and make one...I'm actually a little excited about it. I do have a Bebo page and have had one for quite some time. It is private, because I didn't want to be bothered/harrassed by people I didn't know. I have to admit, however, that I never go on and post anything. There's just no time. I prefer to connect with people in person. Any of you ladies belong to a social networking site that you'd like to share?

It is so easy to get sucked in. I've spent the past couple of days since we've finished work on myspace and utube. There are some great independent musicians on there. Check out Akil Dasan...he's amazing!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Vlogging in Education

This site supplies links to website that show how vlogging is being used in education.

Check in out and let me know what you think!

The following links/blogs also discuss the use of vlooging for educational purposes:

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Wanna Vlog?

Here is a web site that gives a good description of what a vlog is and explains how to go about creating one.,289893,sid9_gci1163516,00.html

Tagging 101

I thought the video on tagging did a nice job of breaking down the topic and making it really palatable for someone who has no background on the topic. I am thinking that I might want to use it with teachers and students to give them an introduction to Web 2.0 tools since this feature is included in so many of them.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Flickr and

After having my paper for my last class on folksonomies, I now feel like the social bookmarking expert. In reality I am far from it. My only true experience has been with I decided to start using it after having worked on this paper and must say that I am very happy with it so far. I am one of those users that experiences the same problems with regards to bookmarking as those mentioned in the learning module. I use mutliple computers at work and home and in addition multiple browsers on each. I was about to create a portaportal page around the time I found out about Needless to say I abandoned the Portaportal project and opted for I have a wonderul article that outlines and compares many of the social bookmarking web sites in chart form. I am hoping that over the summer I will have some time to check out some of these sites. I would love to post this article for you all, but I'm not sure if I can find the URL for the article online. I do have it in PDF though, is there any way to do this?

One of the paras in the building came into the library today looking for a picture of a clown for some festival that's coming up. I was busy doing something else, so my para was helping her look for images on Google. They weren't able to find anything, so I suggested Flickr, which worked! This is the first time I've recommended this site. I personally have only attempted to us it once, when I was looking for images for my builder. Unfortunately, I didn't find what I was looking for, for that specific assignment, but I would like to practice using it more, however, because it seems like it would really come in handy. Does anyone know if these images are considered public domain? How would one cite them?

Sunday, June 10, 2007

A little more on vlogging

Hey there,

Here are a few more links for you to check out on vlogging:

Couldn't resist the Wikipedia definition:

You can use this to make your own vlog. Sign up for a free membership!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Intro to vlogging

Hi Everyone,

So, my understanding is that we're going to be using this blog to post links to electronic resources and a brief summary of our 2 assigned information technologies for the semester. Mine are vlogging and utube. In addition, we can post our thoughts and commentary on the readings, assignments and activities from class and/or other content we find relevant to the course and its learning objectives. I love technology and all the wonderful opportunities it affords. I am so excited about the content of this class and so looking forward to learning about all of these new information technologies!

The first information technology I've been assigned to this semester is vlogging or vodcasting. I am really glad that I've been assigned this particular information technology because I am already familiar with it. A good friend of mine vlogs and was actually interviewed about this very topic. We met at an internship we both did at the Cannes Film Festival. She was doing this years ago before I'm sure it was even really that popular. She lives in D.C. and she came to New York for a vlogging conference being held at someone's house. I went with her and had such a great time and met great people. They had live streaming and videoconferencing going on at this party, it was really cool. To my knowledge, vlogging is like blogging in that it is a record of daily occurences or life but in video format. It is actually much like making documentaries only your video clips don't have to all be on a certain theme or topic. You can record whatever you like. Anyway, enough of me talking about it...check out her site:

She also has her own business designing web sites, here's that info:

Here's the direct link to the interview she did:

Here's the site for the conference:

Leslye rocks! Awesome friend!